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New website coming soon. Please check back in after the new year for new product and awesome deals!
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LOTR Tales of Middle Earth Prerelease event June 16th $ 18th

LOTR Tales of Middle Earth Prerelease event June 16th $ 18th

Join us this weekend (June 16th & 18th) for our Lord of the Rings Prerelease events. We have prerelease events on Friday at 7pm, and two events on Sunday at 12:30, and 4pm. Sunday's event at 12:30pm, we will be doing a 2-Headed Giant for Prerelease. Events will be $28 at the door, but you can pre-register for $25. Also, you will be able to pick up all of your pre-ordered product at the prerelease. Below is the link for our events with more information.

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Prerelease Event: February 3rd - February 5th

Prerelease Event: February 3rd - February 5th

Join us this weekend for our  Phyrexia: All Will Be One Prerelease. We have regular prerelease events on Friday at 7, and Saturday at Noon. Also on Saturday, at 4:00 we will be doing a 2-Headed Giant Prerelease. The events will be $28 at the door, but you can pre-register for $25. Also, you will be able to pick up all of your pre-ordered product at the prerelease. Preorder your product, and register for your prerelease with the link below:

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FNM: MTG Booster Draft

Join us every Friday night for draft starting at 7pm. Entry fee is $18 for the newest standard set. Price may vary if players decide to draft a different set.

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